This plugin will create a music album from songs you upload and display them with album art, live play/pause buttons as well as an extra download song feature that can be enabled.
This plugin will create a music album from songs you upload and display them with album art, live play/pause buttons as well as an extra download song feature that can be enabled.
Does this plugin have an html player or flash player.
It uses html
i’m trying to by this plugin but i cant open account
I’m sorry for that. I found that my hosting service was making some updates to the server and it caused issues with my shopping cart. They have finished the updates and I’ve verified my shopping cart now works. So, you can make your purchase when you are ready! Thank you for informing me of the issue.
thanks für your quick reply, i have already purchased
I would like to have visitors download the entire album for free. One zipped file. Is this possible?
It will be a little while, but I will look into adding that feature. Thanks for the suggestion!
I love the way your plugin works. But I have some specific request, changes and add on. How much will you charge. Below are my specific needs.
1. Playlist
2. Audio player with Next, Pause buttons
3. Show a lyrics for each song.
I have search for WordPress music player playlist with lyrics options but so far there is none.
1.I’m not sure I know what you mean by “Playlist” as the songs are ordered for you in a playlist.
2.I’m going to be looking at adding a “Next” button or an automatic next song action to it.
3.There are already lyric options for each song that have been added. There is a link in your plugins area under the definition of my plugin, to the updates area on my site. But you can go here to see the updates and instructions. On this page I explain how to had lyrics to each song.
Is it/will it be possible to download the individual tracks at a seperate price like on iTunes/Amazon etc.?
Thanks, and what a brilliantly presented and easy to use application! Thank you so much! 🙂
All the best,
I may look into adding that feature down the road. But, at present I do not have the time work that in to it. Thank you for the great suggestion though!
Hi there,
I was wondering if there is a live preview of this player on the web? I was hoping to see it in a larger/interactive version before purchasing.
Take a look at this site http://glenncase.com/music/. I originally created the plugin for him.
Hi ! I bought your plugin today
I don´t have the same design from your plugin…
i try with different templates but i have the same problems… I don’t see the button play… only the word, and a work perfectly but without your button, and the feature image don´t have the design…
Please check my test post: http://www.indeclic.com/hot-scene/
How i can fix that ? Thank you
You need to go into the settings section of the plugin and click save for the default setting or choose another color scheme and click save. Otherwise none of the styling will work.
Hi, is the plug in still available ? The link to get it give an error page 🙁
Sorry about that. I did change my shopping cart, so the link changed and I forgot to change it here. I have updated the link now!
Today i bought the plugin music albums.
when i uploaded mp3 i dont see them on the album page.
whats goes wrong? I dont see them eather in de wp-admin overview in the album.
I was informed by another person about this problem. I have just released an update to the plugin and you should see it come through soon. Instructions will be under the Music Tracks upload button. As far as not seeing them on the music album page, you will need to go to the settings page and click save, to select a style format. Then everything should appear.
Thank you for updating the uploading feature.
Is there a way to have the album songs play continuously, one after another without having to press the play button after each song has finished?
And, can the song lengths also be added to the player’s display?
I bought it today and uploads tracks Folder not working. please wait for an answer
Can you give me a link to the page so I can take a look?