Take donations right on your website with PayPal using the Payflow Gateway. Get The Plugin
Take donations right on your website with PayPal using the Payflow Gateway. Get The Plugin
This plugin will create a music album from songs you upload and display them with album art, live play/pause buttons as well as an extra download song feature that can be enabled. Get The Plugin
My WordPress Catfish Ad Plugin by far beats the other one that is out there. This plugin allows you to upload your own images for your ad, along with it’s very own CUSTOMIZED AD TRACKING SYSTEM!! From the admin, you can ad a new Advertiser to go with the ad you are running, and track… Read more »
In this two part tutorial, I show how to connect the Flash Sliding Billboard Ad 2 with your own database to track mouse-over and click-through numbers. Tutorial Part 1 Tutorial Part 2 Download Files
This is my second tutorial on Flash Sliding Billboard Ads. This is a more new and improved way than the first tutorial I did. The code is less and works much smoother. Also, a new feature was added allowing an option for the ad to expand open on browser load and then after a few… Read more »
In this video tutorial I go over how to create a Flash Sliding Billboard Ad that pushes the content of the page down when it expands. When I started working on this I couldn’t find any information out on the web for it, so I modified some JavaScript that we were currently using which only… Read more »
If you are looking for cool textures to use in your graphic or web design, then you may want to take a look at “Lost and Taken”. You’ll find some very cool textures that you can integrate into your creative designs. To visit the website click here.
Now…… I’m a HUGE fan of “FireFox” when it comes to browsers, but being a web/designer I have to test my work in multiple ones. The one that gives me the most problems is Internet Explorer 6. There is always a variation in how it deals with CSS than the other browsers, as well as… Read more »